GDR-IRN HOWDI annual meeting

GDR-IRN HOWDI annual meeting

We are glad to announce that the abstract submission is now open for the first HOWDI meeting.

The HOWDI (van der Waals heterostructures of low dimensionality) research group gathers researchers from France and abroad whose investigations focus on the physical properties emerging in van der Waals assemblies. The objective of the GDR-IRN HOWDI is to initiate, sustain and cross-link research activity on graphene, other 2D materials and nanotubes. All information about the network can be found at:

The meeting will be held in Dourdan (Paris area, France) on May 9-13 2022. The participants will be hosted in “Le Domaine du Normont” holiday village for the entire duration of the event. Invited talks, tutorials, contributing talks, poster sessions, and social events are scheduled. All information about the meeting can be found at

Local contact: Lorenzo Sponza


2018, web site created by HA & RG.