Scientific day in honour of François Ducastelle

Scientific day in honour of François Ducastelle


François Ducastelle sadly passed away last summer. An outstanding physicist, François had a profound impact on the many fields he covered: the electronic structure of metals and their alloys, the statistical physics of order-disorder and phase transitions, growth modes and spectroscopic properties of low-dimensional materials. 

In his honour, the LEM organizes a scientific day which will be held on 11 July in the heart of Paris at the Ecole des Mines de Paris where he graduated and has been teaching Solid State Physics for many years. The aim of this day will be to evoke François’ career and his contribution to Condensed Matter Physics over nearly 55 years of research. Memories will be recalled through scientific presentations given by researchers specialised in the different fields François left his mark on, and testimonies by young and not-so-young researchers with whom he has been working throughout his long career, and still was.

The day will thus be a balance between scientific and memorial aspects combining past and present science, testimonies, and companionship throughout his long career as a researcher.

List of invited speakers:

You can find the program of the day on the following link and the flyer on the following one.

You can find the program of the day, the flyer and the list of participants. To join the Ecole des Mines de Paris, you will find all the information here.

For those who will not be able to attend, but who would like to participate virtually, a zoom connection will be possible via the following link:

ID de réunion : 954 4263 8028
Code secret : pZ2LiT

The organising committee: Hakim Amara (LEM), Cyrille Barreteau (CEA), Alphonse Finel (LEM), Annick Loiseau (LEM) et Guy Tréglia (CINaM).

If you would like to participate, please contact Cyrille Barreteau indicating name/first name/laboratory and whether or not you would like to attend the buffet lunch.

For all practical questions, please contact Catherine Deutsch.


2018, web site created by HA & RG.