Diffraction Contrast Tomography (DCT) is a near-field X-ray diffraction technique for the inspection of ductile materials at the micron scale. It has traditionally been used for the study of undeformed polycrystalline materials with grain sizes of a few tenths of microns. It uses a box-sized monochromatic X-ray beam, which allows it to scan large regions of millimeter sized sample (with up to thousands of grains) in a relatively short time.
Recent work has introduced sub-grain orientation reconstruction (6D-DCT), which has made DCT a viable tool for the reconstruction of slightly deformed materials.
Topo-tomography (TT) is also a near-field X-ray diffraction technique, which, on the other hand, allows to focus on a single grain with a high-resolution detector and to obtain sub-micron level shape information.
In this talk, we will first present how the data is acquired and reconstructed in modern DCT and TT acquisitions. Then, we will present their 6D and 5D extensions (respectively) for the reconstruction of sub-grain level orientation information. Finally, we will discuss future applications, including the combined use of DCT and TT data in a single 6D reconstruction for the investigation of slip bands formation at the onset of deformation.
Speaker: Dr Nicola Viganò
Date and Location: Friday 21/02/20, 14h00 LEM meeting room (E2.01.20), Châtillon.