Combining X-ray Tomography and Diffraction modalities to study in situ the mechanics of polycrystalline materials

Combining X-ray Tomography and Diffraction modalities to study in situ the mechanics of polycrystalline materials

Clément Ribart, Henry Proudhon

Centre des Matériaux, MINES Paristech, CNRS UMR 7633

Diffraction Contrast Tomography remains the fastest 3D grain mapping characterization method and allows further characterization of specific crystallographic locations. Coupled to in situ mechanical testing, something we have developed for a few years at CDM, it provides a unique way to probe deformation and fracture mechanisms of structural materials. Correlative experiments at higher resolution can now be performed to achieve “zoom-in” observation in selected grains. We will review several technique that can be used at the European synchrotron, such as X-ray topo-tomography, scanning 3DXRD or Dark Field X-ray Microscopy. Example to characterize plastic strain localization in metals will be presented. As the method becomes more and more automated, it allows both quantitative and statistical measurements in the bulk of the microstructure. Finally, coupling experiments with crystal plasticity finite element computations at the grain scale will be discussed as a key to unlock microstructure-deformation mechanisms.

Contact to attend the conference :

Thursday 31st Mars 2022 at 14h00

Contensou conference room, ONERA Châtillon


2018, web site created by HA & RG.